Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile

When inflexible and wasteful software development processes are making your organization inefficient, it's time to introduce an agile methodology. Kanban vs Scrum then becomes an essential question: Which agile software development methodology is better suited for my own situation? And is Kanban agile? What about Scrum vs agile? Confusion is spreading... Let's have a look … Continue reading Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile

Why projects fail and how to make them succeed with more transparency

Imagine you’re driving your car through uncharted territory to a destination only vaguely described by "That Guy" who told you to go there. "That Guy" was kind enough to give you an absolutely non-negotiable deadline too. With that in mind, you race to the first waypoint - you should already be able to see it … Continue reading Why projects fail and how to make them succeed with more transparency

The three essentials of any agile process

In the heat of introducing agile practices like daily stand-up meetings, retrospectives, unit testing, or defining "Done", you can get easily overwhelmed by all the new and shiny ideas. It's a real danger that implementing these new practices creates huge overheads, slows you down, and frustrates the team. They forget why you actually introduced agile … Continue reading The three essentials of any agile process

Scrum vs Continuous Deployment or why Scrum falls short for web applications

Product development needs consistency The basic idea of Scrum is to create a safe and change-free environment to enable a team to concentrate on the planned development tasks. The team plans out a sprint of typically two weeks and the idea is that they work uninterrupted during this period. This process really helps to get … Continue reading Scrum vs Continuous Deployment or why Scrum falls short for web applications

How Digital Agile Management Tools Make You Blind (And How A Physical Kanban Board Can Help You See Again)

We've been using PivotalTracker for years to manage our agile software development process. It works like a charm for us. Whenever an idea comes up, we enter it into Tracker as an Epic (no matter how rough and abstract it might be). When the time comes to start implementing it, we usually break it down … Continue reading How Digital Agile Management Tools Make You Blind (And How A Physical Kanban Board Can Help You See Again)

How Scrum Induced Sub-Optimization Kills Productivity (And How To Fix It With Kanban)

Quite often, IT managers see Scrum as the solution to increase the speed of software development. Indeed, you can speed up your software development processes dramatically by successfully using Scrum for organizing your engineering department. But, people often forget that they can only create value for their customers if they optimize the whole organization towards … Continue reading How Scrum Induced Sub-Optimization Kills Productivity (And How To Fix It With Kanban)

Scrum What? New Community Edited Q&A Site About Agile, Lean, Kanban and Scurm

A lot of people I meet are interested in agile software development. Either they've heard about it or they participate in projects which use Scrum, Kanban, or Extreme Programming. They wonder whether it makes sense to do pair programming, which Kanban tools to use, how to get started with test driven development or how to … Continue reading Scrum What? New Community Edited Q&A Site About Agile, Lean, Kanban and Scurm